
My Memorable Picture...

Cari punya cari jumpa gak..My favourite picture. hehehe..Kenapa Che suka pic ni cos in this pic :

There is Me..( I'm the simple One, paling comot, paling tak kiut..ahaha )
There is My Best Friend..Hope our friendship will lasting forever Until Jannah..
There is My Family..How I miss them so much. "Walau tak berhubung ingatan itu akan kekal untuk selamanya"
There is My Soulmate..Walaupun dia tak berapa nak suka, ada ku kesah!..I have my own reason why I calling you such like that..So, terima je la hakikat...ahaha
There is My Secret Admire..When he saying he likes me, I'm blurr..In my mind "what suppose I do? " Sorry, but i Have someone I like..ahahaha..Now, i'm happy..coz He had meet his life partner..Congrate!
There is My Brother..Yup, i love dis bro so much..Thanks bro always take care of me..cheer me up, spend time with me a lot..huhu..Hope you meet your lover soon..aamiin
and There is Him..Someone who has stolen my heart..There is no reason to love someone and then Mencintai tak bermakna perlu memiliki kan awak? as you know, 

A girl that is just naturally a shy type will express her like for you by trying to ignore you, hardly speaking to you but you will notice her stare (give you glances) and you may notice her try to look away quickly so that you don't catch her, you may even catch her smile at you at times> It will seem very obvious by the way she tries to avoid you. You'll just notice"

"Teman itu seperti bintang..Tak selalu nampak Tapi selalu ada dihati, Sahabat akan selalu menghampiri ketika seluruh dunia menjauh..Karena persahabatan itu seperti tangan dengan mata..Saat tangan terluka, mata menangis..Saat mata menangis, tangan menghapusnya"

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Tentang Ana.^^

My photo
Bumi Sabah Tercinta, Rahsia, Malaysia
I'm a simple person...Bercita-cita nak jadi TUDM malangnya aku rabun..wahaha..Nak jadi cikgu pula garang macam singa...Cian kang jadila laa aku Penulis Bebas...Aku kan banyak masa akmaklumlah masih tanam anggur..haha..Aku nie pelik gak..Kadang2 tu suka hidup dalam alam fantasi..konon laa...pengaruh kartun sangat...hehehe.. "Plezz Call me Cik Putera Kodok"...